Take advantage of this weekend's All-American Races in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The races include a half marathon and a 5K, and both will start and end at the Main Post Parade Field on Fort Bragg.

The races are scheduled for March 25th, 2023. The half-marathon will start at 7:00 am, and the 5K will begin at 7:30 am.
All half-marathon runners who complete the race within the 4-hour time limit will receive a finisher medal.
The 5K is children and stroller-friendly. Children in strollers will not be charged and will not receive a medal or a t-shirt.
Online registration is now open. Click the link below to register:
For all information, including price, concerning this event, please click the link below:
Conveniently, Fort Bragg hosts the IHG Hotel Moon Hall for temporary military lodging and Smith Lake Army Travel Camp for an RV park.
If you are a paid subscriber, please log in to see the hotel and campground information below.