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Fort Hood Army Base Was Renamed Fort Cavazos Army Base

After months of preparation Fort Hood Army Base in Texas was renamed Fort Cavazos, the base redesignation is part of a Congressional mandate in which nine Army bases are being renamed.

Photo by Staff Sgt. Christian Nevitt | DVIDS ~ "On May 9, 2023, our installation was redesignated Fort Cavazos in honor of Gen. Richard Edward Cavazos, a Texas-born hero of the Korean and Vietnam wars.

The post was one of nine U.S. Army installations being redesignated based on the Naming Commission’s recommendations to remove the names, symbols, displays, monuments and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederate States of America.

'We are proud to be renaming Fort Hood as Fort Cavazos in recognition of an outstanding American hero, a veteran of the Korea and Vietnam wars and the first Hispanic to reach the rank of four-star general in our Army. General Cavazos’ combat proven leadership, his moral character and his loyalty to his Soldiers and their families made him the fearless yet respected and influential leader that he was during the time he served, and beyond,' said Lt. Gen. Sean Bernabe, III Armored Corps Commanding General". ~


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