Military Living Publications® is thrilled to share with you a new series - the Military Charities Spotlight. We are sharing information on charities that benefit YOU - our military veterans and their families. We are running the Military Charities Spotlight to bring attention to some worthy causes. This week we are featuring the Fisher House Foundation.

We have posted about the Fisher House Foundation a few times recently, mostly to make you aware of new houses opening up. If you're not familiar with the Fisher House Foundation, they build comfort homes at military and VA medical centers around the world - but these are not your typical military lodging facilities.
These facilities are designed specifically for military & veteran families to stay at for FREE while their loved one is in the hospital. This helps to reduce costs incurred with traveling for medical procedures. Since its inception, the program has saved military and veterans’ families an estimated $610 million in out-of-pocket costs for lodging and transportation.
The Fisher Houses can have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths, but you'll find that families staying there will share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, dining room, and living room.
The 98 Fisher Houses in operation have helped more than 500,000 families and have offered 12 million+ days of lodging. It is an A+ military charity, rated 4 stars for 20 years in a row now.
For more information, heartfelt stories, or to donate to this worthy cause, please visit their website at
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